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Approved Merchants in Commerce

How do I use the Approved Merchants tab?

Navigate to the Approved Merchants tab in your Sovrn Platform account.

Filters across the top will help you find a merchant to work with: site, country, and more.

The search bar is available to help you find a merchant you already have in mind.

You’ll also be able to browse merchants in the tabs:

  • Preferred merchants: you may earn more with these merchants as the offer increased commissions to Sovrn publishers.

  • All merchants: where you can browse all the merchants available.


See more details about a merchant by clicking on the merchant name.

Compare and contrast merchants you love, and discover which merchants will perform the best for your content.

Note: To learn how to link to your favorite merchants visit: Create Links in Commerce.  

What details can I find about merchants? 

  1. Logo for selected merchant and Average Earnings Per Click across the Sovrn network. 

  2. Potential Earnings (CPA) - This merchant pays on a cost per action (sale or lead) basis, the rates below are what you can expect to earn from sales you generate to this merchant.

  3. Network rates - If available, merchant rate information is imported directly from network partners and updated daily. 

  4. Potential Earnings (CPC) - This merchant pays on a per click basis. The per click rate provided is averaged across the Sovrn network. CPC rates may vary by merchant budget availability and traffic quality.

  5. Domains Accepted - Domains approved by the merchant for monetization.

  6. Countries Approved - Origin of customer traffic accepted by the merchant.

    • Description - General information for the selected merchant. If available, "Terms and conditions" are provided.

Note: All of the merchant metrics provided are calculated estimates, actual rates may vary.

Why don't the earnings I've been making match the CPC and/or CPA rates I see? 

The CPC and CPA rates you see are estimates for potential earnings, not contracts. You may make more or less in reality. 

Merchants have the power to spend their advertising dollars at their discretion, and this can fluctuate over time due to seasonality, quality of supply, etc. If you are not making as much as you expected, this doesn't mean you won't see more revenue in the future. To position yourself well to earn more revenue, consider doing these things:

  • continue to develop a strategy for driving high quality and quantity traffic

  • affiliate with multiple merchants

You may also experience adjustments and/or reversals, explained in this article: Payments in Commerce

If you still have questions, please reach out to our support team:

Why is the commission showing blank or $0 for some merchants?

Our system will ingest rate data in a variety of ways. We show rates the merchant tells us they can offer directly when available, but if not, we use a system average to calculate an estimate of earnings from publishers like you. When both of these are unavailable, then you may see a $0 rate or no commission rate listed. Typically, this means that the merchant has:

  • Not been paying out for purchases or clicks as of recently

  • Not enough traffic to make a reliable estimate of a rate

Remember that rate information are all estimates, so you still could potentially earn from these programs. We suggest that you partner with a robust number of merchants to maximize your success with Sovrn! 

How do I choose a good merchant to work with? 

While it may seem logical to simply choose merchants with the highest commission rates, there are other factors to consider. These metrics will give you a more holistic view:  

  • average conversion rate

  • average order value

  • earnings per click

Remember that merchant spending is at their discretion and fluctuates over time. The numbers seen here are estimates for potential earnings and not contracts. For this reason we recommend working with a variety of merchants and not focusing on just one, so that your chances to earn are better at any given time. 

I Still Need Help. 

Questions? We are here to support you, contact Sovrn Support.

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