Ad Tags in Ad Exchange
It looks like you're ready to start monetizing your content with your new Sovrn account. Awesome! To do this, you'll first need to create some ad tags.
How do I create a Sovrn Ad tag?
Start by logging into your Sovrn Platform account here.
Once you have logged into the Platform, select the Ad tags tab under Advertising.
You'll then arrive at the page where all the magic happens. Click + Ad Tag in the top right corner of the screen.
A new window will populate, and this is where you can build out the details of your new ad tag.
What's the best way to name my Ad tags?
We suggest leveraging the name field to stay organized. You can craft the names of your ad tags depending on:
where you are putting the tag, location on the page, domain, etc.
how it will be used
and any other distinguishing factors.
For example, will the tag be above the fold (ATF), below the fold (BTF), on the homepage, in the sidebar, or is there anything else distinguishing the tag?
If you have multiple approved sites in your account, you can note what sites the ad tags are on in the name of the ads. Example: site1.com_sidebar_300x250
Additional examples:
Can I re-name my Ad tags?
Yes! In the Ad Tags tab, find the tag you'd like to edit and click the pencil icon in the Actions column. Then change the Tag name and click Save.
How do I set Ad type?
In our dropdown menu there is a variety of ad sizes you can select from but any given size will fall either in the category of 'Desktop' or 'Mobile' where noted. Additionally you can select multiple options from this dropdown menu and that will generate multiple ad tags for those sizes all at once. Saves you time and convenience to have them created simultaneously!
How do I set Ad size?
Some sizes monetize better than others. This is due to supply and demand in digital advertising: the more common ad sizes have the highest demand, which means that advertisers will be willing to pay more for that specific ad size, resulting in higher performance and revenue for publishers.
Our top three ad sizes are 728x90, 300x250, and 160x600.
Note: 300x250 ad tags only appear as options for "Desktop Banner" ads, but they can be used on mobile devices.
While some of our publishers find success with other sizes, we have seen that 250x250, 468x60, 120x600, 768x640, and 160x90 don't perform as well as the three best ad sizes. While they are "standard IAB sizes," they are very uncommon and there is little demand for them.
We also support multi-size ads. For more information, look here.
What is CPM floor price and how should I set it?
Your CPM floor price is the lowest price per bid that you will allow on your ad tag. This can help you target a specific CPM range.
In general, the lower the floor price, the more overall bids you will receive. We encourage you to keep your floor prices around $0.00 for the first few weeks after they're created to maximize performance. Once you get a feel for how the ads will perform, you can try making small increases to the floor price to see how your fill rates are affected.
Why aren't my Sovrn Ads filling?
Sovrn is not a 100% fill solution. This means that even if you have no CPM floor price, we will not fill 100% of requests. If you want to make sure you're taking advantage of all of your inventory, install a passback tag from AdSense or other ad networks.
What is a Passback Tag and why do I need one?
A Passback tag is an ad tag from another provider. This means that when Sovrn can't show an ad to a user, the bid will be passed back to another partner. You can set this up in your Ad tag settings by clicking Edit tag under tag Actions on the Ad Tags tab. Then click Optional settings.
How do I implement my Sovrn Ad tag?
For most implementations, you'll need the tag ID to continue. Find this under Tag ID in the Ad Tags table.
Find some additional guidance on methods you can use to implement your ad tags here.
How do I archive an Ad tag?
Ad tags can't be deleted, but they can be archived. Archiving a tag will automatically pause that tag and will prevent it from receiving impressions.
Archiving a tag will also move that tag to a separate predefined filter: Archived.
Archiving Individual Tags:
Access the dropdown menu in the Actions column.
Select the File Box icon to Archive tag option.
Bulk Archiving Tags:
Select checkboxes for multiple tags.
Click on the File Box icon to Archive tag to archive all at once.
Accessing Archived Tags:
Click on the Show Archived button in the upper right-hand corner.
How do I unarchive an Ad tag?
You can view archived tags by clicking the File Box icon in the top right:
You will then be able to select Actions and Unarchive.
Note: this will not immediately unpause the tag. You will need to manually resume any tags you unarchive for them to receive impressions again.
I still need help.
Additionally, Sovrn Support is here to answer troubleshooting questions.