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Ways to earn with Sovrn Commerce

Ways to earn with Sovrn Commerce

There are two primary program types for earning affiliate revenue on the Sovrn Commerce platform:

  • CPA (cost per action): This is the traditional “commission” model that most affiliate marketers are familiar with. You direct readers to a merchant site using affiliate links. If they make a purchase, you earn a percentage of the purchase price.

  • CPC (cost per click): This model doesn’t depend on the reader making a purchase, so it tends to reward browsing behavior. You have the potential to earn money every time a reader clicks on an affiliate link, regardless of whether they eventually buy something.

Some merchants offer only CPA, others offer only CPC, and some leverage both payment structures. The Sovrn Commerce dashboard includes detailed payment information for every merchant, including payment methods, rates, and other relevant data to help you make more educated merchant selections. 

It’s also important to understand that while CPC may provide more earning opportunities, it does not come with any guarantees. CPC buyers base their purchasing decisions on a number of factors, including their budget, their target audience, their preferred channels, and more. Higher-quality traffic is more likely to drive revenue, but CPC clicks are not monetized unless a buyer actually bids on them and wins the traffic.

The value of Yield Optimization

Maximizing the value of every click presents a huge challenge for publishers because there’s an incredible amount of overlap in the affiliate industry. A publisher looking to monetize traffic to a particular merchant might have 10 or more networks to choose from, each with different rates and budgets that may change at any time.

Yield optimization manages this process for you by initiating an auction in real time and automatically sending every impression to the optimal partner — so you earn as much as possible on every click. 

The yield optimization tool also unlocks a diverse set of CPC budgets that are only available through Sovrn. Not only can you earn more affiliate revenue on every click, but you’ll also expand your merchant coverage.

Yield optimization is connected to more than 50 affiliate networks, including top names like Rakuten, Impact, Commission Junction, Codewise, Intango, Howl, and more. Accessing all these demand partners typically requires creating separate accounts for each individual network, but yield optimization puts all your demand in one convenient tool.

How the Yield Optimization tool works

When a user clicks on an affiliate link, Sovrn Commerce initiates an auction in real time. Clicks are sent to all available networks, who then respond with their bids.

If a CPA program is available, Sovrn uses predictive rate modeling to forecast the effective EPC from that program. This rate is used as a bid floor, and CPC partners must bid above that bid floor to qualify for the auction. The network with the highest bid wins the auction, and the click is routed through that network. 

Sovrn’s predictive rate modeling ensures that every click returns the highest possible EPC, whether that’s CPA or CPC. And it all happens with no additional effort by the publisher. Simply enable Yield Optimization and send a click through Sovrn Commerce. We’ll automatically find the optimal partner to earn the best possible yield.

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