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Sovrn oRTB Implementation Guide

The Basics of the oRTB Process with Sovrn

Sovrn is evaluating each oRTB opportunity individually based on several factors including inventory quality, traffic volume, and technical fit. Reach out to our team for more information about this.

Overall the process for oRTB go-live is as follows:

  1. Provide Sovrn with an understanding of your traffic & desired oRTB integration

  2. Review the Sovrn oRTB Specs

  3. Share an example or test placement

  4. Share an example request (or requests)

If you're interested in oRTB video, please let us know and provide a list of domains that will be live with this ad format.

Before You Get Started

Our team will require information from you for this information to be successful. 

Before implementation, we need to better understand and anticipate your traffic.

Please reach out to and be sure to provide them with information about your site traffic, as well as your oRTB specifications and setup.

Our team uses this information for internal tracking purposes only and gives our engineers more of the information we need to properly configure this integration.

Here's some information that would be helpful for our teams:

  • location of your cookie sync

  • bid caching set up

  • ad quality needs

  • QPS scores

  • reporting requirements

  • oRTB specs

We love to see all of the information that you can provide about your ad-call flow, cookie-syncing process, and other technical details. Please note that this should require input from your technical resources.

Cookie Sync

Please refer to Sovrn oRTB Cookie Sync Spec for more information on cookie syncing with Sovrn. Cookie syncing is required for optimal performance with Sovrn.

oRTB video

If you are interested in working with Sovrn via oRTB video, please make sure you let us know what domains will be live with this setup. This is required for our internal tracking and supply path optimization purposes.

Please also let us know what video player you're using, and be sure to provide examples of that player in a testing environment.

Bidder validation, Testing, & Release

Sovrn requires all publishers to be sending traffic via a test environment for at least 24 hours before we officially launch. This is for us to ensure that we can validate your requests properly, and ensure that we will have no issues while ramping up traffic. 

After Go-Live & Performance Monitoring

We can help you monitor for discrepancies between your data & Sovrn data. Please note that our data is currently reported in the UTC time zone.

Please provide with a report of your last 7 days of oRTB performance if you are experiencing discrepancy-related issues.

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