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Reports in Commerce

How do I request a report (sent to my email)?

Find the Commerce Analytics page by logging in and navigating to the Commerce here

  1. Click on the + Reporting button in the top right hand corner or the Commerce Analytics page. 

  2. From the drop down items, select a Site and Time frame you would like to apply to your reports.

  3. Select the report types you would like to receive by checking the box next to each report title. See the sections below to learn more about each report type. 

  4. Once you have the reports you would like selected, press the Send button in the top right hand corner. 

Note: Depending on size, generating reports may take some time. Once generated, requested reports will be sent directly to the email address on your account. Please reach out to Sovrn Support if you would like to update this address.

Link Reports

Broken Links Report

The broken links report should be used regularly to audit and fix broken links to keep your site(s) and content functional, user-friendly, and secure. Once a report is generated, the Sovrn Commerce link checker tool will validate up to 3,000 links in 60 seconds. You may choose to check links across all sites on your account or for a single site as well for a specific time frame. The report will include site, the URL, source page, number of clicks, and status code. You will see the link with the highest number of clicks at the top of the report.  

Note: The time frame selected is based on the click date. For example, if a link is resulting in a 404 error today; however, has not been clicked on, it will not appear if you view a report for the β€œToday" time frame. 

Performance Reports

CUID/UTM Report 

The CUID/UTM report provides link level performance metrics with the addition of custom tracking identifiers (CUID), link UTM parameters and page UTM parameters based on the site and time frame you have selected. This report only includes data for clicks that you have earned revenue from. 

To learn how to add a CUID and UTM parameters to you links, visit our guide on Create Links in Commerce.

Revenue Update Report

The Revenue Update report is the most granular transaction report provided by Sovrn. It provides all transaction level click details including revenue, transaction date and the date that we updated this revenue in our system. This report is useful for reconciling clicks, transactions and payouts.

Note: Transaction ID is a Click ID when paid on a per click basis.

Non-monetized Clicks Report

The Non-monetized clicks report provides you insight into clicks that were not monetized for the site and time frame you have selected. We have also included country as well as device type, the most common factors when investigating unaffiliated clicks. 

Not sure why some clicks aren't monetizing? We are here to help.

Merchant Reports

Approved Merchant Report

The Approved merchant report provides you with a comprehensive list of merchants that you are approved to monetize with based on the site you have selected. This includes approved countries, an estimated earnings per click (EPC) for merchants paying on a cost per click (CPC) basis and an estimated commission rate for merchants paying on a cost per action (CPA) basis. This report comes pre-sorted with Sovrn's highest earning merchants at the top.

Note: Estimated rates provided are averaged across the entire Sovrn network. Actual rates may vary due to merchant budget availability and traffic quality. 

Merchants at Risk Report

The Merchants at risk report provides you with a list of merchant programs that have recently been paused or cancelled. Also provided is the revenue that you have earned with these merchants over the last 30 days for the site you have selected. This report is structured to aid your content strategy by identifying merchants that you may no longer earn from. 

Recommended Merchants Report

The Recommended Merchants report provides you a list of 100 approved merchant programs that you have not sent clicks to in the last 90 days. This report is structured by most successful programs at the top descending, meaning these are programs that our network has been seeing performing well for publishers like you. The report includes valuable metrics, such as approved countries, an estimated earnings per click (EPC) for merchants paying on a cost per click (CPC) basis, and an estimated commission rate for merchants paying on a cost per action (CPA) basis.

Note: Estimated rates provided are averaged across the entire Sovrn network. Actual rates may vary due to merchant budget availability and traffic quality. 

Still need help? 

Questions? We are here to support you. Contact Sovrn Support.

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