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Reports in Ad Exchange

Where do I find reports in the Sovrn Platform? 

  1. Login into your account

  2. Navigate to the top right hand corner of the Advertising Analytics page and click on the blue + Report button. Here you'll see your options for downloading and scheduling reports. 

You may also be interested in exporting the data seen in your dashboard chart, including: 

  • Total Revenue

  • Average CPM

  • Average Fill Rate

  • Total Impressions

  • Total Requests

You can do this by clicking on the grey download button above the Total Revenue box. Be sure to apply the filters you're interested in before downloading by selecting them at the top of the page. 

What reports are available and what dimensions do they offer? 

You can download 3 reports from your account, as well as export the data showing in your dashboard (total revenue, average cpm, average fill rate, total impressions, and total requests) into a .csv, described above

Note: Inventory Performance report is available at the account or single domain level. The Multi-Site breakdown will always return the full site list of an account regardless if a single domain is chosen for the Inventory Performance report. 

Also, when downloading and scheduling reports, you'll see the .csv file has a different name than the report name. See below for more info. 

Inventory performance

This is a detailed ad tag report focused on your display advertising performance within the Sovrn exchange. The dimensions included are: 

  • dt (date in UTC)

  • domain

  • auction (endpoint/auction type)

  • zone name

  • zone size

  • zone ID

  • ad type

  • device

  • requests

  • requests with bid

  • impressions

  • publisher revenue 

  • cpm

Multi-site breakdown

This is a high-level report with a site-by-site performance breakdown.

  • Dt (date)

  • Domain

  • Auction

  • Country

  • Requests

  • Requests with bid

  • Impressions

  • Publisher revenue

How do I download a report? 

Note: when you download reports, they will have a different name than the name of the report you selected: 

  • Inventory Performance (called “account-report.csv” when downloaded)

  • Multi-site Breakdown (called “breakout-report.csv” when downloaded)

  1. Navigate to the reports window in your account by following the directions above. 

  2. A panel will appear on the right. 

  3. Select the site/s, time frame, and which report/s you'd like to download. 

  4. Click the blue Download button on the top right. 

  5. The CSV file, or zip file (if more than one report), will be downloaded to your computer.

  6. Navigate to your downloaded files and open the file from Sovrn to see your data.

How do I schedule a report? 

  1. Navigate to the reports window in your account by following the directions above. 

  2. A panel will appear on the right. 

  3. Select the site/s, time frame, and which report/s you'd like to schedule. 

  4. Toggle on Schedule selected reports.

  5. Enter the email address(es) to which you'd like your scheduled report/s delivered. 

  6. Enter the frequency (how often) you'd like the report delivered. 

  7. Click Schedule and download reports. The report/s you selected will be downloaded to your computer now as well as scheduled to be sent to the email(s) you've selected.  

How do I manage my scheduled reports?  

  Edit or delete your reports, emails they are sent to, and the frequency with which they are sent by: 

  1. Navigate to the reports window in your account by following the directions above. 

  2. A panel will appear on the right. 

  3. Select the your scheduled reports tab at the top of the panel. Here you'll find your options for editing your currently scheduled reports. 

Don't forget about our API as a great reporting tool! Learn more about available dimensions and customized reporting you can create here.


Commonly requested custom dimensions and suggestions are below: 

  • CPM - this is only available in the dashboard data export .csv, described above, or via our API.

  • Fill Rate - this is only available in the dashboard data export .csv, described above, via our API.

  • Yield - this dimension unfortunately is not available, but can be calculated based on currently available dimensions. 

I still need help.

Please contact Sovrn Support for more help if you still have any questions.

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