How to Passback from Sovrn to AdSense
Many of our publishers have asked how they can use Sovrn while still using AdSense.
Our answer is to have Sovrn pass back to AdSense. That way you can leverage premium, high-CPM campaigns from Sovrn while using AdSense to fill 100% of the remaining inventory.
You can set up an AdSense passback the same way you would with any network. Here is a step by step guide for anyone who hasn't installed a passback before.
How to Passback from Sovrn to AdSense
Login to your AdSense dashboard. Select "My Ads" in the top menu bar, and click "+ New ad unit".

Choose your ad size. Pick the same ad size you are planning to use with sovrn.
Create the ad tag. Next copy the entire ad code, from <script to /script>.

Login to your Sovrn account here.
Navigate to Advertising > Ad tags.
Click + Ad tag in the upper right and choose single-size tags.
Fill in your ad tag information. For more help on how to do this, see this article.
Click Optional settings and paste in your Google AdSense code in the Passback tag field.
For more information on how to install the Sovrn ad on your website, see this article.
How Using Sovrn and AdSense Together Makes You More Money
So now that you know how to install a Google AdSense passback, let's go over how using both AdSense and Sovrn can significantly increase your revenue.
Let's say a publisher is seeing 100,000 requests a day. If the publisher is just using AdSense and receives a $0.60 CPM at 100% fill with AdSense, this nets the publisher $60 a day. If the publisher is just using Sovrn, receiving a $1.50 CPM at 60% fill, this nets the publisher $90 a day.
By using Sovrn and AdSense together, with Sovrn passing back to AdSense, the publisher will net $114 a day. That's a 90% increase in revenue over using just AdSense.
This is because Sovrn has access to premium campaigns and can passback any unfilled ad requests to AdSense, who then fills 100% of the remaining inventory.

For more help getting your passback codes set up for Sovrn, reach out to Sovrn Support.