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Google Ad Manager/AdX Setup

Follow the instructions below to set-up Google Ad Manager (GAM) and Ad Exchange (AdX) for Sovrn Ad Management.

Using Publisher's GAM/AdX Accounts

The steps below will enable Sovrn to push the necessary line items, key values and price floors into a publisher GAM account. This will not impact any existing line items, key values or price floors. 

Grant access in GAM to

  • Permissions are needed to:

    • Create Unified Pricing Rules

    • Create Ad Units, Create Placements

    • Confirm targeting includes any new Ad Units/Placements (AdX, Open Bidding, Native Styles, Direct Orders, PMPs, etc)

  1. Grant Service Account Access in GAM to  

  2. Notify when the above account access has been granted so Sovrn can complete the configuration

Note: 10 orders and 4,218 line items, all with the prefix “sms”, will be pushed. Key values are as follows:

  • post_id

  • split_version

  • proper_site

  • tags

  • tags1

  • tags_9

  • proper_sticky

  • proper_floor

  • proper_bidder

  • proper_bid

  • s_depth

  • refresh_count

Using Sovrn GAM/AdX Accounts

To use Sovrn GAM/AdX accounts, the publisher will need to accept an invitation from Google for Google Multiple Customer Management (MCM). Processing this invitation authorizes Sovrn to run AdX demand on the publisher's inventory.

To get started, send the following information to

  1. The email address of the GAM admin who should receive the invitation

  2. The Company Name associated with the GAM account (this can be found in GAM under Admin > Global Settings > Display name) 

Sovrn will initiate an authorization request and the publisher will receive an invitation from Google asking to authorize representation by Sovrn Ad Management. Once the publisher processes the invitation, Sovrn can complete the configuration. 

Need More Help?

If you still have questions, please reach out to

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