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Dimensions and Measures in Ad Management

All Sovrn Ad Management publishers can pull data from the Explore section of the Platform. Existing publishers can access this from Analytics > Explore, or you can click on this link

Dimensions for Publisher Use

The following is a list of all dimensions available for publisher usage. 

Acquisition Data

Facebook Click ID

For traffic from Facebook. A tracking parameter that is automatically added to outbound links on Facebook

Google Click ID

For traffic from Google. A unique identifier for each click, allowing to determine source of conversion precisely


The URL that sent users to your site; where the user was before they visited a website 

UTM Adset

Pulled from the url parameter utm_adset

UTM Campaign

Pulled from the url parameter utm_campaign

UTM Content

Pulled from the url parameter utm_content

UTM Medium

Pulled from the url parameter utm_medium

UTM Referrer

Tracking parameter for the referring URL

UTM Source

Pulled from the url parameter utm_source


Pulled from the url parameter utm_subid

UTM Template

Pulled from the url parameter utm_template

UTM Term

Pulled from the url parameter utm_term

Client Name

Client ID

Internal name for publisher account

Client Name

Business name for publisher account



Category for a specific type of content (i.e., a “News” category or “Sports” category)


Editor of on-page content

Media Buyer

Used to attribute revenue to a particular media buyer or to whomever is buying traffic

Page Type

Type of on-page content (i.e., homepage, blog, etc)


Includes specific tags currently being used by publisher (i.e., “Articles”, or “Sports” or “Politics”)

Tags Object

Includes ALL tags being used by the publisher  (i.e., if the tags being used are News, Entertainment, and Trending, this would be displayed as [“News”, “Entertainment”, “Trending”]


Author of on-page content


Ad Unit

Ad Unit on page

Creative Size

Size of creative served

Refresh Count

Number of ad refreshes on a page



Unique identifier for advertisement

Advertiser Domain

URL of advertiser responsible for displaying creative

Campaign ID

Campaign ID associated to the displayed creative

Creative ID

ID for the specific creative that served on page

Creative Type

Type of creative on page (i.e., display, video, native, etc.)

Deal ID

ID for the private marketplace deal that served creative

Demand Channel

Channel ad was delivered through (i.e., header bidding, Google Open Bidding, Amazon TAM, etc.)

Demand Partner

DSP responsible for displayed creative


Isolate (yes/no)

Shows if a page is isolated from Google demand (AdX & Open Bidding) in response to Google policy violations

Session Depth

Pages visited within the session

Split Version

For A/B testing, identifier of test version


Full URL that creative displayed on

URL Path

Everything after the domain suffix  (i.e., would be display “/category/culture”)


AdBlock (yes/no)

Was an Ad Blocker detected? (yes/no)


Browser of the user


Location of the user, country

Device Category

Device Category of the user (desktop, mobile, tablet)


Domain where the ad served

Operating System

Specific device operating system (i.e., iOS, Android, OsX, etc.)

Publisher Demand (yes/no)

Demand account used to serve the impression (Ad Management or the publisher’s)


Internal name of site

Time Unit


Date (yyyy-mm-dd)

Day of Week

Day of Week (i.e., Thursday)


Single Hour of Data (yyyy-mm-dd hour)

(i.e., 2022-09-22 00 or 2022-10-10 12)


Hour of data in 6-hour incremenets (yyyy-mm-dd hour)

(i.e., 2022-09-22 06 or 2022-10-10 12)


Minute of Data (yyyy-mm-dd [time])

(i.e., 2022-09-22 14:17 or 2022-10-10 00:05)


Month (yyyy-mm)

(i.e., 2022-09)


Quarter of the Year (yyyy-qq)

(i.e., 2022-Q2)


Seconds (yyyy-mm-dd [time with seconds])

(i.e., 2022-09-22 12:25:05)


Week of the Year starting on Mondays (yyyy-mm-dd])

(i.e., 2022-09-19)


Year (yyyy)

Measures for Publisher Use

The following are the measures available for publishers to use in the Explore section of Sovrn Ad Management. 


Ad Impressions

Number of times an ad was shown

Ad Impressions / Pageview

Number of ad impressions generated per pageview

Ad Impressions / Session

Number of ad impressions generated per Session

Ad Refresh Rate

Ad impression multiplier generated by refresh (1.20 = 20% of ad impressions refresh to another impression)

Ad Unit Impressions

Number of times the ad unit loaded on page

Ad Unit Impressions / Pageview

Number of ad unit impressions per pageview

Ad Unit Impressions / Session

Number of ad unit impressions per session

Unfilled Impression

Ad impressions that did not serve an ad



Estimated revenue per thousand ad impressions

Ad Unit eCPM

Estimated revenue per thousand ad unit impressions


Click-through-rate; % of clicks on ads (imported from GAM)

Estimated Revenue

Estimated revenue (NOT billable revenue) based off of internal auction logs from code on page

Estimated Revenue / Sessions

Estimated revenue per session

Page RPM

Revenue per thousand pageviews

Session RPM

Revenue per thousand sessions


% of ad impressions that were viewed by the user (imported from GAM)



Total pageviews, counted when Sovrn header script is present

Pageviews / Session

Pageviews per session, or pages per visit


Total sessions, counted when Sovrn header script is present

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