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AI Shopping Galleries Beta

What is AI Shopping Galleries?

AI Shopping Galleries is an AI-powered affiliate recommendation engine designed to help publishers and content creators maximize revenue while delivering a seamless shopping experience to their audience.

With just one line of code, AI Shopping Galleries dynamically curates and displays contextually relevant, in-stock products optimized for engagement and conversions. The system also automatically updates links to the highest-paying merchant or affiliate network, saving you time and eliminating the hassle of managing broken or outdated links.

Who qualifies to use AI Shopping Galleries in beta?

The AI Shopping Galleries beta is available to publishers and content creators who meet the following criteria:

  1. You own a website

    • AI Shopping Galleries requires a functioning website to integrate and display product galleries. If you do not have a website, this feature will not work for your content.

  2. Your content focuses on lifestyle topics

    • The beta is tailored for lifestyle-focused websites, including those covering home/garden, consumer electronics, sporting goods, and similar topics.

  3. Your account is approved to work with CPA merchant programs

    • To access the full benefits of AI Shopping Galleries beta, your site needs approval for both CPA and CPC merchant programs through Sovrn.

  4. You want to automate and scale affiliate revenue

    • If you’re managing affiliate links manually or seeking a way to maximize monetization with minimal effort, AI Shopping Galleries is designed to simplify your workflow and increase your revenue potential.

How do I join the beta?

If you qualify for the beta, you’ll see AI Shopping Galleries in the left-side navigation menu within the platform.

AI Shopping Galleries Beta.png

If you have any additional questions or want to verify your eligibility, please contact our support team.

How do I implement AI Shopping Galleries?

Getting started is easy. Follow the step-by-step instructions in our Implementation Guide to set up AI Shopping Galleries on your site.

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