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Ads.txt Quick Implementation Guide

Note: Fore more in-depth information about ads.txt, please view Ads.txt and Sovrn Ad Exchange for more details on creating and updating your ads.txt file.

You can find your ads.txt file on this page of your account on the Sovrn platform. 

Ads.txt File Quick Install Steps: 

Open or download a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) service.

This an easy way for you to transfer files from your computer to your website.

We recommend Ads.txt manager (for Wordpress users) or FileZilla

Create a .txt file with your ads.txt information.

Use a text editor or a word processing program such as Microsoft Word, WordPad, Notepad, or Atom to create and save a text file (with a .txt file extension) in an easy-to-locate folder on your computer.

  • Name this file ads.txt.

  • The file should contain the ads.txt lines provided in your account here. For more information on how the lines should be formatted, see Ads.txt and Sovrn Ad Exchange or reference the IAB spec, page 6. 

  • The file must be a .txt file extension. 

Connect to your website using FTP.

Open your FTP client and login to your domain's FTP using your web host credentials. 

Select the ads.txt file you created within the directory of your computer.

Drag it to your website's home directory.

  • The file must be on the root level of the domain.

  • The file must have Read permissions set to World. 

Check the ads.txt domain is present.

Open your internet browser and ensure the ads.txt is displaying by navigating to www.yourdomain/ads.txt.

Still have questions?

See Ads.txt and Sovrn Ad Exchange or reach out to Sovrn Support for assistance. 👍

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