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Sovrn Ad Management Guide to Google Ad Manager Violations

How Violations Work

To ensure a safe and positive experience for users, Google requires that publishers and advertisers comply with all applicable laws, regulations and that they adhere to Google Ads policies. 

Content, ads, extensions, and destinations that violate these policies can be blocked by Google and associated networks. Depending on how egregious a violation is, Google may react in several different ways. 

If Google detects a policy violation on your website, they report this back to the Ad Management team. We then post the list of violations for each website in our dashboard to expose the information directly to publishers. This allows each publisher the opportunity to resolve reported violations as they surface.

Status Definitions

Restricted Ad Serving

A "Restricted ad serving" enforcement means that your page is not currently in compliance with the program policies and, as a result, ad serving has been restricted on that page. This means some buyers may opt out of showing their ads on that page.

Ad Serving Disabled

"Disabled ad serving" means that one of your sites is not currently in compliance with the program policies and, as a result, ad serving has been disabled on your site. You need to check your entire site and make changes to bring it into compliance with Google policies.

Must Fix

Whether or not you need to take action on the enforcement. This column will say "Yes" if enforcement is due to a policy violation.

Violation Types

Click here for a list of Violation Types and explanations.

How to Fix Violations

There are 2 ways you can make corrections to the pages in violation:

  1. Fix the specified violations on each page

  2. You may disable Google demand on these pages by using the 'isolated' special_ops variable as described: properSpecialOps and Custom Variables.

Google runs a regular re-scan so once the issues are fixed the pages will fall off the list within a week or so and your Violations list will be updated.

Sovrn Ad Management publishers can utilize the Quality Control section for insights into Google Violations.

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