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Key Value Report Setup for Signal Licensing

Smooth performance is our goal. To ensure we don't hit any snags in the implementation of Signal Licensing, we ask that you set up daily automated reports in Google Ad Manager (GAM).  

This is to create the key value report required to help the Sovrn team track performance. If you have not already created the key value “sovrn-reload=true” please see: Key Value Setup for Signal Licensing.

The key value above can be used in any of your internal reporting purposes, and you are free to pull data with that key value at any time. This article defines the parameters to include in your daily report as required by Sovrn for tracking purposes.

We suggest you give us temporary admin access to GAM in order to pull the correct report, or you can set this up on your own with these simple steps:

  1. Within your GAM account, go to Reports > Queries > New Query.

  2. Name the report, e.g. “Sovrn Signal KV Report”

  3. Report Type: Historical

  4. Date Range: Month to date


5. Setup the filter: Key-values contains sovrn-reload 

6. Dimensions to include:

  • Time Unit = Date

  • Inventory = Key-values

  • Delivery = Demand channel

7. Metrics to include:

  • Unfilled Impressions

  • Total Impressions

  • Total CPM

  • CPC revenue

  • Total average eCPM

  • Ad Server Impressions

  • Ad server average eCPM

  • Ad server CPM & CPC Revenue

  • AdSense impressions

  • AdSense Revenue

  • AdSense average eCPM

  • Ad Exchange impressions

  • Ad Exchange Revenue

  • Ad Exchange average eCPM

  • Yield group impressions

  • Yield group estimated revenue

  • Yield group estimated CPM


Scheduling & Permissions

The following steps will ensure that Sovrn receives key value reports so we can keep track of performance, and to help troubleshoot.

In your report, you'll need to use the following settings...


You will need to add as a new contact in your Google Ad Manager settings to continue.


You can use the following screenshot to setup as a contact.


Be sure to save your changes!

Of course, if you get stuck, please reach out to for assistance.

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