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Identity in Ad Management


Enable/Disable various Universal ID identity partners. Click on the ID Provider to edit the configuration. The default settings should be used in most cases.

Bidder Compatibility

Not every bidder supports all available identity solutions. Click here to see which bidders support which identity solutions. Vendors to email us as new SSPs are supported.

Identity Solutions

  • ID5 (live)

    • Encrypted universal ID that uses hashed email, hashed phone number, IP address and other signals to create an "ID5 ID" for each user

  • Publisher Common ID

    • User IDs use site-specific cookies

  • Epsilon + PubLink

    • Hashed email sent via PubLink during login or registration, or every time a user starts a new session. Publisher Link will apply secure hashes to the email address before sending it to ID services.

  • Neustar Fabrick

    • Using Fabrick API, obtain Fabrick ID with hashed email to match ad requests to active Deal IDs at the SSPs

  • LiveRamp ATS/IDL

    • Hashed email is converted to an identity token (IDL envelope)

    • SSPs & DSPs have a "sidecar" that decodes the IDL

    • Today IDL can make use of 3P cookies, eventually it will be hashed email only

  • TTD UID 2.0

    • LiveRamp's "sidecar" also hits the UID2.0 API with the information in the IDL, adding the UID2.0 in the bid request so SSP/DSPs

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